  • Category : Student Visa
  • Date : FEB 16, 2024
  • Client :Bhavya aggarwal
  • Destination : Australia

A Dream Come True: Temporary Residency for 5 Years in Just 45 Days!

At Lunar Migration, we believe in making the impossible possible. Recently, we helped a client achieve their dream of obtaining temporary residency in a record-breaking time of just 45 days! Despite being told by other agents that he would be refused, our team worked tirelessly to ensure our client's success.

Our Client's Journey:
Our client, Bhavya Aggarwal, applied for temporary residency on January 15, 2024, with a subclass 485 visa. With incomplete education (having completed only 1.5 years of a 2-year course) and being told by other agents that he would be refused, the odds were against him. However, our team remained committed to helping him achieve his goal. We worked diligently to ensure his application was submitted accurately and efficiently, and our efforts paid off! Bhavya received his temporary residency on February 16, 2024 - a remarkable 45 days later!

Bhavya's success story is a testament to the expertise and dedication of our team at Lunar Migration. We're proud to have played a role in helping him achieve his dreams and look forward to continuing to assist others in the same way. Congratulations, Bhavya, on your temporary residency success!
